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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 | 12:17 PM
Currently: Clear, 48° F | More Weather

CHARLESTON INT'L AIRPORT, SC, United States (KCHS) 32-54N 080-02W 13M
Mar 12, 2025 - 06:56 AM EDT / 2025.03.12 1056 UTC
Wind: Calm:0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: clear
Temperature: 48.0 F (8.9 C)
Dew Point: 43.0 F (6.1 C)
Relative Humidity: 82%
Pressure (altimeter): 29.97 in. Hg (1014 hPa)


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The Bristol Charleston, South Carolina

The Briston is more than just a place to live. A rare combination of waterfront living and an address on the Charleston peninsula, this five-story building of 54 homes is a vital community. Its residents gather over coffee in the morning at the gym, meet in the evening for cocktails by the pool or marina and enjoy theater and dinner outings in Charleston.

Overlooking the Ashley River, The Bristol is the only condominium on the Charleston peninsula with its own marina. In addition to the river, residents are treated to views of the Charleston skyline, the marina and nearby Brittlebank Park. From their boat slips, they have direct access to Charleston’s international harbor and the nearby Intracoastal Waterway.

“It’s great because people know each other,” says Marilynn Durkee, one of The Bristol’s first residents. “This is my first time living in a condo, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to have that lifestyle. But I was looking for a home to leave behind and not have to worry about when I travel. The Bristol has 24-hour security, and I like knowing I can walk out the door and feel secure.”

The Bristol offers nine different floor plans, two- and three-bedroom configurations ranging from 1,468 square feet to 2,331 square feet. Many include hardwood floors, double vanities, granite counter tops, fireplaces with gas logs and stainless steel appliances.

Already one of the most exclusive addresses on the Charleston peninsula, The Bristol’s stock will soon rise even higher because the homeowners’ association recently took possession of the building.

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