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Friday, February 21, 2025 | 10:26 PM
Currently: Mostly Clear, 46° F | More Weather

CHARLESTON INT'L AIRPORT, SC, United States (KCHS) 32-54N 080-02W 13M
Feb 21, 2025 - 03:56 PM EST / 2025.02.21 2056 UTC
Wind: Calm:0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: mostly clear
Temperature: 46.9 F (8.3 C)
Dew Point: 17.1 F (-8.3 C)
Relative Humidity: 29%
Pressure (altimeter): 30.46 in. Hg (1031 hPa)


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Brickyard Plantation, Mount Pleasant

Mount Pleasant, SC

History Hangs Over The Lowcountry like Spanish moss on heavy oak limbs, so perhaps it is not surprising to learn that Brickyard Plantation in Mount Pleasant has an interesting past. Built on the site of a working brick plantation, it has evolved into a stunning community of neighborhoods.

By the time construction began, only a few ruins remained of the old plantation, but, if you look carefully, you can still see traces of the past. An eight-acre lake marks the area where the material for bricks was dug out.

The old kitchen and another building and kiln are gone but there is still one kiln left. When you walk along the creek, you can still see where the brick was loaded for shipping.

The entrance to Brickyard Plantation is impressive and an indication that this is a well-designed, well laid-out development. Extensive landscaping only adds to the appeal.

The way the subdivision is laid out most neighborhoods within Brickyard have entrances off the main parkway.

Although there are approximately 850 homes on the property, the neighborhood design belies that density. Home prices range primarily from the mid-$300s to more than $2 million. Carson points out that the average home cost is around $550,000.

Many families are on their second or third home in Brickyard because they like the area so much. Some move up to larger homes and others are downsizing. There is something for everyone.

Residents enjoy amenities such as the elegant clubhouse, tennis courts and pool but best of all is the boat launch and floating dock on Horlbeck Creek. And that little bit of history that lingers along the creek bank.

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